Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Journey to a healthier lifestyle!!


Like most women I hate how much I weigh, the scale freaks me out!! why were they invented Ugh!?

Every year I make the same resoloution to lose weight and tone up and every year I fail to keep up with my goals- I become so unmotivated and fed up when I dont see results immediatley. I know it takes time, patience and will power but I just couldnt be bothered!!

Since moving to Canada from London, England the pounds have just been piling on, its like the canadian water contains some sort of fattening chemical.... :( LOL Just kidding!! 

WELL..... we may be 4 months in to the year but I am more ready then ever to create the new ME! no more complaining about gaining weight, clothes not fitting, silly excuses, running away from scales and NO MORE joining the gym and never going.

Summer is coming and I am so motivated and excited to work hard at knocking off these pounds! 2 weeks ago i made the decision to join Extreme Fitness alongside my Sister and Brother so that we could all work out together and support one another! I even got my brother to agree to come Hot Yoga with me :) although I know he is probably just going to eye up the ladies LOL

I also, decided to join Weight Watchers ( Points Plus) online to help me understand what I eat and get a grip on controlling it.

The points plus program basically alotts you a certain amount of daily points which you need to maintain and they also provide you a weekly allowance, just in case you need to dip into those if you need to.

You provide your weight, height and gender and your goal and they take care of the rest.

Example: My daily point intake is 26 and my weekly allowance is 49.

They provide a number of foods, recipes and resturant menus to assist you in your choices. Below is a look at my breakfast...

Breakfast; Two slices of toast (4pts) Margerine (1pt) One cup of canteloupe ( 0pts) Water w/ lemon (0 pt) = I used a total of 4/26 pts provided to me.

I am so happy with my self for not going over my daily allowance and dipping into my 49 points. I remained strong and on target! I am not going to lie and say this plan is easy, because its far from but you have to get use to the point system and get a better feel of the foods and their point value.

The great thing is that the have a power food list which contains list of foods that have 0 points which is always great :) also, if you dont see your choice of food on the list- there is a calculator provided to work out the amount of points the meal contains!! :)

Weight Watchers currently has a promo; 3 month special at only $65.85 (thats with tax) and your start up fee is waived!

I also, downloaded their Iphone App which is brilliant!!

I can not wait to take you all on my Journey in getting to my goal weight :)

Has anyone joint this program, did you enjoy it?  

Jaspinder x

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